Commercial License

If you are looking to build something for one client, then this is the license for you.

End Product refers to a customized implementation of the template which requires time, effort, and skill to produce, and must be significantly different from the template as it was originally provided or made available to you.

What You Can Do

  • Create a single End Product that can be sold to one (1) client for a one-time fee.
  • Create any number of copies of the single End Product for one (1) client.

What You Cannot Do

  • Create multiple End Products for yourself and/or more than one (1) client. You need an Enterprise License for this.

There are more restrictions under this license. Refer to General Restrictions for more information.

Third Party Materials

The template may contain or be accompanied by third party materials that are subject to and provided in accordance with terms that are in addition to or different from the terms set forth in this license. The other license terms will apply to those materials instead of this license.

General Restrictions

For all of our licenses, you cannot:

  • Create a website template using the original template and make it available for sale or free.
  • Convert or adapt the template into a theme for any platform, with or without the intention to sell or create financial gain.
  • Sublicense, resell, share, transfer, or redistribute all or any portion of the template, with or without modifications, on its own, in a tool, or bundled with other items.
  • Use all or any portion of template in any application that allows end users to customize the template to their specific needs, such as a website builder.
  • Permit the end user of the End Product to extract all or any portion of template and use it separately from the End Product.
  • Provide, offer, or make available the template on a digital asset management system, shared drive, or similar technologies for the purposes of sharing or transferring the template.
  • Deliver the template's source code to the general public through open source projects.
  • Use the template in any manner that is not expressly permitted in the license terms.

Read full license terms

Quick Comparison Table

  Personal Commercial Enterprise
Use in number of End Products 1 1 Up to 10
Create an End Product that can be sold to a client No Yes Yes
Modify or manipulate the template to make an End Product Yes Yes Yes
Create multiple End Products under a single license No No Yes