Fusion allows you to add site images for the image gallery and client sections of the template.
Adding Featured Gallery Images
You can create your own image or use a licensed photo to display as gallery imagery in Fusion. To add a new gallery image, follow these instructions:
- Add your custom images to the directory/folder where you will store your images. For example, this could be a folder called images for all of your site’s graphics.
- Open the index-home.html file in your code editor.
- Search the code for the specific section you wish to add custom gallery images to.
- Type the directory/folder path and name for the image.
- Save the index-home.html file.
- Repeat steps 1-5 as necessary.
The previous instructions can be repeated for all of the template files containing images: portfolio.html and project-details.html.
Here is the code which you need to modify to add new images to the featured work gallery section:
<div id="recent-gallery" class="royalSlider rsDefault visibleNearby"> <a class="rsImg" href="assets/images/project-1.jpg" data-rsw="566" data-rsh="375"></a> <a class="rsImg" href="assets/images/project-2.jpg" data-rsw="566" data-rsh="375"></a> <a class="rsImg" href="assets/images/project-3.jpg" data-rsw="566" data-rsh="375"></a> <a class="rsImg" href="assets/images/project-4.jpg" data-rsw="566" data-rsh="375"></a> <a class="rsImg" href="assets/images/project-5.jpg" data-rsw="566" data-rsh="375"></a> <a class="rsImg" href="assets/images/project-6.jpg" data-rsw="566" data-rsh="375"></a> </div>
Adding Portfolio Gallery Images
You can create your own image or use a licensed photo to display as gallery imagery in Fusion. To add a new gallery image, follow these instructions:
- Add your custom images to the directory/folder where you will store your images. For example, this could be a folder called images for all of your site’s graphics.
- Open the portfolio.html file in your code editor.
- Search the code for the specific section you wish to add custom gallery images to.
- Type the directory/folder path and name for the image.
- Save the portfolio.html file.
- Repeat steps 1-5 as necessary.
Here is an example of the code which you need to modify to add new images to the portfolio gallery:
<a href="project-details.html"> <img src="assets/images/project-1.jpg" alt="thumbnail"> <div class="project-information"> <div class="meta-data"> <h4>Lorem Dolor</h4> </div> </div> </a>
Adding Client Images
You can add client images to display the brands you’ve worked with in Fusion. To add a new client image, follow these instructions:
- Add your custom images to the directory/folder where you will store your images. For example, this could be a folder called images for all of your site’s graphics.
- Open the index-home.html file in your code editor.
- Search the code for the specific section you wish to add custom gallery images to.
- Type the directory/folder path and name for the image.
- Save the index-home.html file.
- Repeat steps 1-5 as necessary.
The previous instructions can be repeated for all of the template files containing images: about.html and portfolio.html.
Here is the code which you need to modify to add new images to the clients section:
<section class="clients container"> <div class="row"> <div class="logo animated fade col-sm-3" data-appear-bottom-offset="200"> <img src="assets/images/client-1.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="logo animated fade col-sm-3" data-appear-bottom-offset="200"> <img src="assets/images/client-2.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="logo animated fade col-sm-3" data-appear-bottom-offset="200"> <img src="assets/images/client-3.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="logo animated fade col-sm-3" data-appear-bottom-offset="200"> <img src="assets/images/client-4.png" alt=""> </div> </div> </section>
Adding Slider Images
You can create your own image or use a licensed photo to with in Fusion. To add a new client image, follow these instructions:
- Add your custom images to the directory/folder where you will store your images. For example, this could be a folder called images for all of your site’s graphics.
- Open the index-home.html file in your code editor.
- Search the code for the specific section you wish to add custom gallery images to.
- Type the directory/folder path and name for the image.
- Save the index-home.html file.
- Repeat steps 1-5 as necessary.
Here is the code which you need to modify to add new images to the slider section:
<ul class="project-slider"> <li><img class="bg-check" src="assets/images/slide-1.jpg" alt=""></li> <li><img class="bg-check" src="assets/images/slide-2.jpg" alt=""></li> <li><img class="bg-check" src="assets/images/slide-3.jpg" alt=""></li> </ul>